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Conticonnect™ — Cement Hauler

“When we started with [ContiConnect], we found somewhere between five to ten nails a week in our tires,” explains Kenny. "It’s probably one of the most important tools in the past four or five years. We've gotten to the point where we're no longer looking at trailers not knowing which trailer [has a tire that] needs some repairs, but we go right to the one that needs help."

His fleet is also committed to safety. Kenny sees that tire monitoring has improved safety by allowing back office personnel to receive real-time alerts before vehicles leave the fleet yard. His coworker Amanda Gutierrez gets a text message when a vehicle passes the Yard Reader and has a tire with low pressure. She immediately calls the driver to advise him to re-inflate his tire before leaving to pick up a load.

“It helps me ensure that my drivers are safe, and they’re getting there at the right time, when they’re supposed to,” says Amanda.

It helps me ensure that my drivers are safe, and they’re getting there at the right time...

Amanda Gutierrez , Fleet Support

Diagram of ContiConnect™ Yard tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) platform for commercial fleets ContiConnect™ Yard is Continental's tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) platform for commercial fleets, allowing you to see tire pressure and temperature data for every vehicle in your fleet in a single web portal.

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